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Ecosystem Questions: Quiz - 5
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Question 1 |
Littoral zone is located along the
High mountains | |
Sea | |
Rivers | |
Desert |
Question 2 |
Which one of the following correctly represents an organism and its ecological niche?
Vallisneria and pond | |
Desert locust (Schistocerca) and desert. | |
Plant lice (aphids) and leaf | |
Vultures and dense forest |
Question 3 |
In a lake, phytoplankton grow in abundance in
Littoral zone | |
Limnetic zone | |
Profundal zone | |
Benthic region |
Question 4 |
Actively moving organism in aquatic ecosystem
Benthos | |
Phytoplankton | |
Zoo plankton | |
Nekton |
Question 5 |
Which of the following is primary consumer?
Producer | |
Carnivore | |
Top carnivore | |
Herbivore |
Question 6 |
Deserts, grasslands, forests and tundra are the examples of
Biomes | |
Biogeographical regions | |
Ecosystems | |
Biospheres |
Question 7 |
Which one of the following is commonly found in temperate coniferous forest?
Quercus | |
Dipterocarpus | |
Shorea robusta | |
Pinus wallichiana |
Question 8 |
Plant species having a wide range of genetical distribution evolve into a local population known as
Ecotype | |
Biome | |
Ecosystem | |
Population |
Question 9 |
Which of the following is expected to have the highest value (gm/m2/yr) in a grassland ecosystem?
Tertiary production | |
Gross production (GP) | |
Net production (NP) | |
Secondary production |
Question 10 |
Assertion (A): True xerophytes store water in the form of mucilage which helps to withstand prolonged period of drought.
Reason (R): Vascular and mechanical tissues are well developed in true xerophytes.
The correct answer is:
Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A | |
Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A | |
A is true, but R is false | |
A is false, but R is true |
Question 11 |
Niche is defined as the
Position of species in a community in relation to other species | |
Place where organism lives | |
Place where organism lives and performs its duty | |
Place where population perform their duties |
Question 12 |
The rate of formation of new organic matter by rabbit in a grassland, is called
Net productivity | |
Secondary productivity | |
Net primary productivity | |
Gross primary productivity |
Question 13 |
The correct sequence of plants in a hydrosere is
Oak → Lantana → Volvox → Hydrilla → Pistia → Scirpus | |
Oak → Lantana → Scirpus → Pistia → Hydrilla → Volvox | |
Volvox → Hydrilla → Pistia → Scirpus → Lantana → Oak | |
Pistia → Volvox → Scirpus → Hydrilla → Oak → Lantana |
Question 14 |
Which of the following is false?
Rate of succession is faster in secondary succession. | |
Quantity of biomass in a trophic level at a particular period is called as standing crop. | |
The energy content in a trophic level is determined by considering a few individuals of a species in that trophic level. | |
The succession that occurs in newly cooled lava is called primary succession. |
Question 15 |
The figure given below is a diagrammatic representation of response of organisms to abiotic factors. What do a, b and c represent respectively?

a - Regulator, b - Conformer, c - Partial regulator | |
a - Conformer, b - Regulator, c - Partial regulator | |
a - Regulator, b - Partial regulator, c - Conformer | |
a - Partial regulator, b - Regulator, c - Conformer |
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This tsts r really good.