Photosynthesis Questions: Paper - 07

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Photosynthesis Questions: Paper - 07


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For photosynthesis (i.e. for the suynthesis of organic matter), the green plants need only (AFMC 1987)
(a) Light 
(b) Chlorophyll
(c) CO2 
(d) All of these

Answer: (d)


For synthesis of a molecule of glucose, the requirement of ATP and NADPH is respectively
(a) 15 and 10
(b) 33 and 22
(c) 12 and 8
(d) 18 and 12

Answer: (d)


Formation of ATP in photosynthesis and respiration is an oxidation process which utilizes the energy from
(a) Cytochromes
(b) Ferredoxin
(c) Electrons
(d) Carbon dioxide

Answer: (c)


Grana refer to (BHU 1984)
(a) Stacks of thylakoids in plastids of higher plants
(b) A constant in quantum equation
(c) Glycolysis of glucose
(d) By-product of photosynthesis

Answer: (a)


Greatest producers of organic matter are
(a) Crop plants
(b) Forests
(c) Plants of the land area
(d) Phytoplankton of oceans

Answer: (d)


Hill’s reaction takes place in  (CPMT 1986)
(a) Dark 
(b) Light
(c) Dark and light both
(d) At any time

Answer: (b)


How many Calvin cycles form one hexose molecule (CBSE 1996)
(a) 2 
(b) 6
(c) 4 
(d) 8

Answer: (b)


In a electron transport chain in terminal oxidation the cytochrome which donates electrons to O2 is (CPMT 1990)
(a) Cytochrome b
(b) Cytochrome c
(c) Cytochrome a3
(d) Cytochrome a

Answer: (c)


In bacterial photosynthesis, the hydrogen donor is
(a) H2O
(b) H2SO4
(c) NH3
(d) H2S

Answer: (d)


In blue-green algae photosystem-II contain an important pigment concerned with photolysis of water it is called (BHU 1989, 90)
(a) B earotene  
(b) Chlorophyll’ b’
(c) Cytochrome ‘c’
(d) Phycocyanin

Answer: (d)


In C3 plants first stable product of photosynthesis during dark reactions is
(a) PGA
(b) PGAL
(c) RuBP
(d) Oxalo acetic acid

Answer: (a)


In C4 pathway or C4 photosynthesis carbobn dioxide fication occures in chloroplast of
(Delhi PMT 1985; CBSE 1995; MP PMT 1997)
(a) Palisade tissue
(b) Spongy mesophyll
(c) Bundle sheath
(d) Guard cells

Answer: (b)


In C4 plants, Calvin cycle operates in
(a) Stroma of bundle sheath chloroplasts
(b) Grana of Bundle sheath chloroplasts
(c) Grana of mesophyll chloroplasts
(d) Stroma od mesophyll chloraplasts

Answer: (a)


In C4 plants, initial carbondioxide fixation occurs on chloroplasts of
(a) Palisade tissue
(b) Spongy parnchyma
(c) Guard cells
(d) Hypodermis and chlorenchyma

Answer: (b)


In C4 plants, synthesis of sugars/ final CO2 fixation occurs in
(a) Palisade cells
(b) Spongy cells
(c) Undifferentiated mesophyll cells
(d) Bundle sheath cells

Answer: (d)


In case of C4 pathway
(a) CO2  combines with PGA
(b) CO2 combines with PEP
(c) CO2 first combines with RuBP
(d) CO2 combines with RMP

Answer: (b)


In chlorophyll ‘a’, third carbon of second pyroll ring is attached with (CBSE 1996)
(a) Carboxyl group
(b) Magnesium
(c) Methyl group
(d) Aldehyde group

Answer: (c)


In normal chloroplast, the percentage of chlorophyll is 
(a) 50% 
(b) 75%
(c) 5-10% 
(d) 95%

Answer: (c)


In photosynthesis, oxygen is liberated due to
(Delhi PMT 1983; MP PAT 1995; MP PMT 1999)
(a) Reduction of carbon dioxide 
(b) Hydrolysis os carbohydrate
(c) Photolysis of water 
(d) Breakdown of chlorophyll

Answer: (c)


In pigment system II, active chlorophyll is
(a) P680
(b) P700
(c) P673
(d) P720

Answer: (a)