Biofertilizers | Medicinal Plants - questions

MCQs - Biofertilizers | Medicinal Plants
Total Question Papers (7), Total Questions (70)
1. Biofertilizers | Medicinal Plants Paper - 1
2. Biofertilizers | Medicinal Plants Paper - 2
3. Biofertilizers | Medicinal Plants Paper - 3
4. Biofertilizers | Medicinal Plants Paper - 4
5. Biofertilizers | Medicinal Plants Paper - 5
6. Biofertilizers | Medicinal Plants Paper - 6
7. Biofertilizers | Medicinal Plants Paper - 7

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Biofertilizers - An Introduction

Biofertilizers provide all the nutrients that the plants require and help to increase the quality of the soil with a natural microorganism environment.

Containing the living microorganisms, when applied to seed, soil or plant surface, it colonizes the interior of the plant and promotes the development of plants.

It supplies the primary nutrients to the host plant for its growth.

Today, it has been widely used in several parts of the globe as the most advanced bio technology necessity supporting the development of organic agriculture, sustainable agriculture, green agriculture and non-pollution agriculture.

Use of biofertilizers, as a natural product in crop cultivation helps in safeguarding the health of soil and ensures the quality of crop.

Biofertilizers Benefits and Advantages:

AS it is living microorganisms it can symbiotically associate with the plant root.
Maintains the natural habitat of the soil, and improves its fertility
Increases crop yield by 20-30%.
Replaces chemical nitrogen and phosphorus by 25%
Stimulates the plant growth
Provides protection against drought and some soil borne diseases
Cost effective and environmentally friendly relative to Chemical fertilizer and provides better nourishment to plants.

However the difficulty to storage and its slow action could be considered as the disadvantage of Biofertilizers besides its lower nutrient density and difficulty in application.