GATE question papers:  Physics 2009 (PH)

Some Useful Symbols

                                                            Speed of light in free space:        c

                                                            Boltzmann constant:                   kB

                                                            Electron charge:             e

                                                            Planck's constant:                       h

                                                            Rest mass of electron:                me

                                                            Rest mass of proton:                  mp

                                                            Rest mass of neutron:                mn

                                                            Permeability of free space:          mo

                                                            Permittivity of free space:           eo


Q. 1 - Q. 20 carry one mark each

1.         The value of the contour integral,, for a circle C of radius r with center at the origin is

            (A)        2pr                    (B)                         (C)        pr2                    (D)        r


2.         An electrostatic field  exists in a given region R. Choose the WRONG statement.

            (A)        Circulation of   is zero             

            (B)        can always be expressed as the gradient of a scalar field

            (C)        The potential difference between any two arbitrary points in the region R is zero

            (D)        The work done in a closed path lying entirely in r is zero


3.         The LaGrange of a free particle in spherical polar co-ordinates is given by L =. The quantity that is conserved is   

            (A)                           (B)                           (C)                           (D)                   


4.         A conducting loop L of surface area S is moving with a velocity in a magnetic field , B0 is a positive constant of suitable dimensions. The emf induced, Vemf, in the loop is given by

            (A)                                                    (B)            

            (C)                               (D)       


5.         The eigen values of the matrix A = are     

            (A)        Real and distinct                                     (B)        complex and distinct

            (C)        Complex and coinciding                           (D)        real and            coinciding


6.         si (i = 1, 2, 3) represent the Pauia spin matrices. Which one of the following is NOT true?

            (A)        sisj +sjsi = 2dij                                        (B)        Tr(si) = 0          

            (C)        The eigenbvalues of si are ± 1                 (D)        det(si) = 1        


7.         Which one of the functions given below represents the bound state eigenfunction of the operator - in the region, 0 £ x< , with the eigenvalue-4?

            (A)        A0e2x                 (B)        A0cosh 2x          (C)        A0e-2x                (D)        A0sinh 2x          


8.         Pick the WRONG statement.

            (A)        The nuclear force is independent of electric charge          

            (B)        The Yukawa potential is proportional to r-1 exp, where r is the separation between   two nucleons    

            (C)        The range of nuclear force is of the order of 10-15m -10-14m         

            (D)        The nucleons interact among each other by the exchange of mesons         


9.         If p and q are position and momentum variables, which one of the following is NOT a canonical transformation?

            (A)        Q = aq and P =, for a ¹ 0

            (B)        Q = aq + bp and P = bq +ap for a,b real and a2 -  b2 = 1

            (C)        Q = P and P = q

            (D)        Q = P and P = - q


10.        The common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) of a differential amplifier using an operational amplifier 100 dB. The output voltage for a differential input of 200 mV is 2v. The common mode gain is

            (A)        10                     (B)        0.1                    (C)        30 dB                (D)        10 dB


11.        In an insulating solid which one of the following physical phenomena is a consequence of Pauli's exclusion principle?

            (A)        Ionic conductivity                                    (B)        Ferromagnetism

            (C)        Paramagnetism                                      (D)        Ferroelectricity


12.        Which one of the following curves gives the solution of the differential equation , where k1, k2 and k3 are positive constants with initial conditions x = 0 at t = 0 ?




13.        Identify which one is a first order phase transition?

            (A)        A liquid to gas transition at its critical temperature.

            (B)        A liquid to gas transition close to its triple point.

            (C)        A paramagnetic to ferromagnetic transition in the absence of a magnetic field.

            (D)        A metal to superconductor transition in the absence of a magnetic field.


14.        Group I lists some physical phenomena while Group II gives some physical parameters. Match the phenomena with the corresponding parameter.

                        Group I                                      Group II

            P. Doppler Broadening                            1. Moment of inertia

            Q. Natural Broadening                             2. Refractive index

            R. Rotational spectrum                            3. Lifetime of the energy level

            S. Total internal reflection                       4. Pressure

            (A)        P - 4, Q - 3, R - 1, S - 2                          (B)        P - 3, Q - 2, R - 1, S - 4

            (C)        P - 3, Q - 2, R - 1, S - 4                          (D)        P - 1, Q - 4, R - 2, S - 3


15.        The separation between the first Stokes and corresponding anti-Stokes lines of the rotational Raman spectrum in terms of the rotational constant, B is

            (A)        2B                     (B)        4B                     (C)        6B                     (D)        12B


16.        A superconducting ring is cooled in the presence of a magnetic field below its critical temperature (TC). The total magnetic flux that passes through the ring is

            (A)        zero                  (B)                        (C)                        (D)       


17.        In a cubic crystal, atoms of mass M1 lie on one set of planes and atoms of mass M2 lie on planes interleaved between those of the first et. If C the force constant between nearest neighbour planes, the frequency of lattice vibrations for the optical phonon branch with wavevector k = 0 is

            (A)                                            (B)       

            (C)                                              (D)        0


18.        In the quark model which one of the following represents a proton?

            (A)        udd                   (B)        uud                   (C)                           (D)       





             The circuit shown above

            (A)        is a common-emitter amplifier

            (B)        uses a pnp transistor

            (C)        is an oscillator

            (D)        has a voltage gain less than one 


20.        Consider a nucleus with N neutrons and Z protons. If mp, mn and BE represent the mass of the proton, the mass of the neutron and the binding energy of the nucleus respectively and c is the velocity of light in free space, the mass of the nucleus is given by

            (A)        Nmn + Zmp                                             (B)        Nmp + Zmn        

            (C)        Nmn + Zmp +                                    (D)        Nmp + Zmn +


Q.21 to Q.60 carry two marks each.


21.        The magnetic field (in A m-1) inside a long solid cylindrical conductor of radius a = 0.1 m is, . What is the total current (in A) in the conductor? 

            (A)                           (B)                         (C)                         (D)            


22.        Which one of the following current densities, , can generate the magnetic vector potential

            (A)              (B)             (C)                 (D)       


23.        The value of the integral  , where the contour C is the circle |z| = 3/2 is

            (A)        2pie                  (B)        pie                    (C)        -2pie     (D)        -pie     


24.        In a non-conducting medium characterized by ee0, m = m0 and conductivity s = 0, the electric field (in V m-1) is given by . The magnetic field, (in A-1), is given by

            (A)                                        (B)            

            (C)                              (D)                        


25.        A cylindrical rod of length L and radius r, made of an inhomogeneous dielectric, is placed with its axis along the z direction with one end at the origin as shown below.





            If the rod carries a polarization, , the volume bound charge inside the dielectric is

            (A)        Zero                  (B)        10pr2L               (C)        -5pr2L               (D)        -5pr2L2             


26.        Let Tij = , where eijk is the Levi-Civita density, defined to be zero if two of the indices coincide and +1 and -1 depending on whether ijk is even or odd permutaion of 1, 2, 3. Then b3 is equal to

            (A)        2a3                    (B)        -2a3                  (C)        a3                     (D)        -a3


27.        The dependence of the magnetic susceptibility (c) of a material with temperature (T) can be represented by cµ , where q is the Curie-Weiss temperature. The plot of magnetic susceptibility versus temperature is sketched in the figure, as curves P, Q and R with curve Q having q = 0. Which one of the following statements is correct?




            (A)        Curve R represents a paramagnet and Q a ferromagnet

            (B)        Curve Q represents a ferromagnet and P an antiferromagnet

            (C)        Curve R represents an antiferromagnet and Q a paramagnet

            (D)        Curve R represents an antiferromagnet and Q a ferromagnet


28.        The dielectric constant of a material at optical frequencies is mainly due to

            (A)        ionic polarizability                                   (B)        electronic polarizability

            (C)        dipolar polarizability                                (D)        ionic and dipolar polarizability


29.        An electron of wavevector , velocity  and effective mass me is removed from a filled energy band. The resulting hole has wavevector  velocity , and effective mass mh. Which one of the following staatement sis correct?


            (A)              mh = -me          (B)              mh = me

            (C)              mh = -me            (D)              mh = -me


30.        In a diatomic molecule, the internuclear separation of the ground and first excited electronic state are the same as shown in the figure. If the molecule is initially in the lowest vibrational state of the ground state, then the absorption spectrum will appear as





31.        Five energy levels of a system including the ground state are shown below. Their lifetimes and the allowed electric dipole transitions are also marked.



            Which one of the following transitions is the most suitable for a continuous wave (CW) laser?

            (A)        1 ® 0               (B)        2 ® 0               (C)        4 ® 2               (D)        4 ® 3


32.        Assuming the mean life time of a muon (in its ret frame) to be 2 10-6, its life time in the laboratory frame, when it is moving with a velocity 0.95c is

            (A)        6.410-6s          (B)        0.6210-6s         (C)        2.1610-6s         (D)        0.1910-6s        


33.        Cesium has a nuclear spin of 7/2. The hyperfine spectrum of the D lines of the cesium atom will consist of

            (A)        10 lines             (B)        4 lines               (C)        6 lines               (D)        14 lines


34.        The probability that an energy level e at a temperature T is unoccupied by a fermion of chemical potential m is given by

            (A)           (B)          (C)          (D)       


35.        Consider the following expression for the mass of a nucleus with Z protons and A nucleons:

            M(A,Z) =(f(A) + yZ + zZ2). Here F(A) is a function of A,

            y = -4aA,

            z = acA-1/3 +4aAA-1,

            aA and   ac are constants of suitable dimensions. For a fixed A, the expression of Z for the most stable nucleus is

            (A)        Z =                                  (B)        Z =

            (C)        Z =                                (D)        Z =


36.        The de Broglie wavelength of mass m with average momentum p at a temperature T in three dimensions is given by

            (A)        l =     (B)        l = c  (C)        l =  (D) l =





            Assuming an ideal voltage source, Thevenin's resistance and Thevenin's voltage respectively for the above circuit are

            (A)        15 m and 7.5 V      (B)     20 m and 5 V          (C)    10 W and 10 V       (D)    30 W and 15 V


38.        Let |nń and |pń denote the isospin states with I = 1/2, I3 = 1/2 and I 1/2, I3 = - 1/2 of a nucleon respectively. Which one of the following two-nucleon states has I = 0, I3 = 0?

            (A)                               (B)       

            (C)                               (D)       


39.        An amplifier of gain 1000 is made into a feedback amplifier by feeding 9.9% of its output voltage in series with the input opposing. If f1 = 20 Hz and fH = 200 kHz for the amplifier without feedback, then due to the feedback

            (A)        the gain decreases by 10 times

            (B)        the output resistance increases by 10 times

            (C)        the fH increases by 100 times

            (D)        the input resistance decreases by 100 times




            Pick the correct statement based on the above circuit.

            (A)        The maximum Zener current, IZ(max), when RL = 10 kW is 15 mA

            (B)        The minimum Zener current, IZ(min), when RL = 10 kW is 5 mA

            (C)        With Vin = 20v, IL, when RL = 2kW

            (D)        The power dissipated across the Zener when RL = 10 kW and Vin = 20 V is 100 mW


41.        The disintegration energy is defined to be the difference in the rest energy between the initial and final states. Consider the following process:


            The emitted a particle has a kinetic energy 5.17 MeV. The value of the disintegration energy is

            (A)        5.26 MeV           (B)        5.17 MeV           (C)        5.08 MeV           (D)        2.59 MeV


42.        A classical particle is moving in an external potential field V(x, y, z) which is invariant under the following infinitesimal transformations

            x ® x¢ = x + dx,

            y ® y¢ = y dy,


            where Rz is the matrix corresponding to rotation about the z axis. The conserved quantities are (the symbols have their usual meaning)

            (A)        Px, Pz, Lz            (B)        Px, Py, Lz, E        (C)        Py, Lz, E             (D)        Py, Pz, Lx, E


43.        The spin function of a free particle, in the basis in which Sz is diagonal, can be written as  with eigenvalues  and -, respectively. In the given basis, the normalized eigenfunction of Sy with eigenvalue -

            (A)                     (B)                                (C)                                (D)       

44.        and represent two physical characteristics of a quantum system. If  is Hermitian, then for the produt to be Hermitian, it is sufficient that

            (A)        is Hermitian                                       (B)        is anti-Hermitian

            (C)        is Hermitian   and  and  commute  (D)        is Hermitian   and  and anti-commute        

45.        Consider the set of vectors in three-dimensional ral vector space

            R3, S = {(1, 1, 1), (1, -1, 1), (1, 1, -1)}. Which one of the following statements is true?

            (A)        S is not a linearly independent set.           (B)        S is a basis for R3

            (C)        The vectors in S are orthogonal.              (D)        An orthogonal set of vectors cannot be generated from S


46.        For a Fermi gas of n particles in three dimensions at t = 0 K, the Fermi energy, EF is proportional to

            (A)        N2/3                   (B)        N3/2                         (C)        N3                            (D)        N2


47.        The Lagrangian of a diatomic molecule is given by L = , where m is the mass of each of the atoms and x1 and x2 are the displacements of atoms measured from the equilibrium position and k > 0. The normal frequencies are

            (A)                  (B)                 (C)                (D)       


48.        A particle is in the normalized state |yń which is a superposition of the energy eigenstates |E0 = 10eVń and | E1 = 30 eVń. The average value of energy of the particle in the state |yń is 20 eV. The state |yń is given by

            (A)                                (B)       

            (A)                     (B)       


49.        The Lagrangian of a particle of mass m moving in one dimension is L = exp (at) , where a and k are positive constants. The equation of motion of the particle is

            (A)                (B)              (C)        (D)    


50.        The monochromatic waves having frequencies w and w + Dw (Dw << w) and corresponding wavelengths l and l - Dl (Dl << l) of same polarization, traveling along x-axis are superimposed on each other. The phase velocity and group velocity of the resultant wave are respectively given by

            (A)                (B)                 (C)             (D)       



Common Data Questions


Common Data for Questions 51 and 52:

Consider a two level quantum system with energies e1 = 0 and e2 = e

51.        The Helmholtz free energy of the system is given by

            (A)        -kBT ln                               (B)        kBT ln

            (C)                                                          (D)        e-kBT


52.        The specific heat of the system is given by

            (A)                         (B)       

            (C)                                 (D)       


Common Data for Questions 53 and 54:

A free particle of mass m moves along the x direction. At t = 0, the normalized wave function of the particle is given by y (x, 0) = , where a is a real constant

53.        The expectation value of the momentum, in this state is

            (A)                           (B)                        (C)                             (D)       


54.        The expectation value of the particle energy is

            (A)                (B)                      (C)              (D)       


Common Data for Questions 55 and 56:


Consider the Zeeman splitting of a single electron system for the 3d ® 3p electric dipole transition.


55.        The Zeeman spectrum is

            (A)        randomly polarized                                 (B)        only p polarized

            (C)        only s polarized                                      (D)        both p and s polarized


56.        The fine structure line having the longest wavelength will split into

            (A)        17 components                                      (B)        10 components

            (C)        8 components                                        (D)        4 components


Linked Answer Questions

Statement for Linked Answer Questions 57 and 58:


57.        The primitive translation vectors of the fcc reciprocal lattice are





58.        The volume of the primitive cell of the fcc reciprocal lattice is

            (A)        4                        (B)        4              (C)        4            (D)        4


Statement for Linked Answer Questions 59 and 60 :

The Kamaugh map of a logic circuit is shown below:



59.        The minimized logic expression for the above map is

            (A)        Y =+        (B)        Y =  × PR        (C)        Y =  +PR        (D)        Y = Q ×


60.        The corresponding logic implementation using gates is given as: