Digestive System and Nutrition – Glossary, Terms 1


Digestive System Glossary

Digestive System and Nutrition: Key Terms with definitions

anorexia nervosa An eating disorder characterized by limiting caloric intake; primarily exemplify by impractical fear of gaining weight; symptoms comprise of muscle wasting, osteoporosis, brittle hair etc.
bile The Greenish-yellow or brownish liquid with a bitter unpleasant taste that is produced by the liver; temporarily stored and concentrated in gallbladder and released into the small intestine; emulsifies fat
bolus A round, small lump of chewed and swallowed food inside the digestive tract
calorie A unit for measuring how much energy food will produce; Amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius
chyme Thick, semiliquid food material (partially digested fluid) that passes from the stomach to the small intestine
colon A section of the large intestine between the cecum and the rectum; includes ascending, transverse, sigmoid portions, and descending portions
digestion Chemical or mechanical process of breaking down food that can be used to obtain energy
epiglottis A thin piece of tissue at the back of the tongue that covers the opening of the larynx and the trachea while swallowing.
esophagus The hollow muscular tube extending from the throat to the stomach for moving swallowed food
essential amino acids Group of eight amino acids that must be consumed by humans, since the body doesn’t make them
gallbladder A sac-shaped organ located beneath the right lobe of the liver that stores and concentrates bile
hepatitis A term for viral inflammation of the liver caused by ingested toxins and viral infections
large intestine A major portion of the digestive tract that extends from the small intestine to the anus; consists of cecum, appendix, colon, rectum and anal canal
mineral An inorganic chemical compound
found in nature; minerals are needed in the diet for normal  metabolic functioning
mucosa Also called mucous membrane; membrane that lines a body cavity that opens to the outside of the body
muscularis Thin layers of smooth muscle in the gastrointestinal tract wall
nutrient Chemical substance in foods that are required by the body to keep a living thing alive and to help it to grow
pancreas A soft, oblong organ located behind the stomach; secretes digestive enzymes, bicarbonate, hormones insulin and glucagon
pepsin Enzyme secreted by gastric glands of the stomach; digests proteins to peptides
peristalsis The series of wavelike muscular
contractions that move food  through the digestive tract
pharynx Also called the throat; the region of the digestive tract between the mouth and the esophagus; serves as a passageway for food and air
salivary gland Three pairs of glands (parotid, submandibular, and sublingual) in the oral cavity that secrete saliva to moisten the oral mucosa.
serosa The outermost tissue layer of the gastrointestinal tract wall; consists of a thin layer of loose connective tissue covered by a simple squamous epithelium (mesothelium)
villus (pl. villi) Fingerlike projection of the inner small intestinal wall; increases the surface area of
the lining for absorption
vitamin An organic compound required as a vital nutrient in small amounts; some vitamins are called coenzymes; there are many different vitamins

Digestive System and Nutrition: Other Terms you should know

absorption jaundice
aerobic lacteal
amoeba lactose intolerance
anorexia nervosa large intestine
apical membrane lingual
bacteriolytic lipase
bile liver
bilirubin lumen
bolus macerated
bulimia mechanical digestion
bulimia nervosa mesenteries
calorie metabolism
cardiac sphincter milled
cecum mineral
chemical digestion movement
chemiosmosis mucosa
cholecystokinin muscle dysmorphia
cholesterol muscularis
chylomicrons nutrient
chyme nutrients
cirrhosis obesity
colon obligate anaerobes
constipation oblique
defecation osteoporosis
dental caries pancreas
diaphragm pancreatic amylase
diarrhea pancreatic juice
digestion papilla
diverticulosis pepsin
duodenum peptic ulcer
elimination periodontitis
epiglottis peristalsis
esophagus peristaltic wave
essential amino acids peritonitis
essential fatty acids pharynx
fiber polyp
fundus pyloric sphincter
gallbladder rectum
gallstone saliva
gangrene salivary amylase
gastric salivary gland
gastric fluid secretin
gastric gland segmentation
gastrin serosa
gastrointestinal tract small intestine
glottis soft palate
glycolysis sphincter
hard palate stomach
heartburn submucosa
hemorrhoid trypsin
hepatic portal system ulcer
hepatitis urea
hepatocytes vegan
hormone villus
hydrolyze vitamin

One thought on “Digestive System and Nutrition – Glossary, Terms

  • Amor

    Very helpful in my studies, by the way I am from the Philippines. Keep up the good work

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