Glossary and Acronym Definitions
r end of own ship’s true vector.
R Rankine (temperature); refraction; own ship; red; rocky; coast radio station.
R Bn radiobeacon.
R Fix running fix.
R Mast radio mast.
R&D research and development
RA right ascension.
RACON radar transponder beacon. rad radian(s).
RB relative bearing.
RBI Reserve Bank of India
RCA Rent Control Act
RCC Rescue Coordination Center.
RDF radio direction finder, RDF station.
RDP Reconstruction and Development Programme
REC (NIT) Regional Engineering College
Rep. reported.
rev. reversed.
RF (rf) radio frequency.
RFA Rainfed Area
RIDF Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
RIM Rejuvenate India Movement
RITES Rail India Technical and Economic Services
rk rock, rocky.
RLEGP Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme
RLG ring laser gyro.
rm relative DRM-SRM vector.
RML relative movement line.
RMS root mean square.
RORO roll-on/roll-off.
RPC Relative Production Competitiveness Index
RPCGI Relative Production Competitiveness Growth Index
RPM Respirable Particulate Matter
RPMC Replacement and Monitoring Centre
RRBs Regional Rural Banks
RSS root sum square.
RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services.
RTI Right to Information
RZn relative azimuth.