Glossary and Acronym Definitions
L latitude; lower limb correction for moon.
l difference of latitude; logarithm, logarithmic.
L.Fl. long flashing.
LAN local apparent noon.
LANBY large automatic navigational buoy.
LASH lighter aboard ship.
LAT local apparent time.
lat. latitude.
LCA litre
LDBs Land Development Banks
LDCs Less Developed Countries
LF low frequency.
LHA local hour angle.
LHW lower high water.
LHWI lower high water interval.
LIC Life Insurance Corporation of India
LL lower limb.
LLW lower low water.
LLWD lower low water datum.
LLWI lower low water interval.
Lm middle latitude; mean latitude.
LMT local mean time.
LNB large navigational buoy.
LNG liquified natural gas.
Log logarithm, logarithmic.
Log10 common logarithm (to the base 10).
Loge natural logarithm (to the base e).
Long. longitude.
LOP line of position.
lpcd litres per capita per day
LPG liquified petroleum gas.
LST local sidereal time.
Lt Ho light house.
Lt V light vessel.
Lt. light.
LTC Leave Travel Concession
LTUK Labour Trade Union of Kenya
LW low water.
LWD low water datum.
LWI low water interval; mean low water lunitidal interval.
LWQ tropic low water inequality.