Glossary and Acronym Definitions
D deviation; dip (of horizon); distance; destroyed.
D & C Dilation and Curettage
d declination (astronomical); altitude difference., declination change in 1 hour.
D. Lat. difference of latitude.
D. Litt Doctor of Literature
D. Phil Doctor of Philosophy
D. Sc. Doctor of Science
D.C.V.L. Development Corporation of Vidarbha Limited
DA Dearness Allowance
‘dA’ difference of longitude (time units).
DAP Diammonium Phosphate (Urea)
DBT Department of Bio-Technology
DC direct current.
DC/F BlazeShield DC/F fire protective insulation
DCCL Development Corporation of Cithara Limited
DCs Developed Countries
DDT Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane
Dec. declination.
Dec. Inc. declination increment.
deg. degree(s).
DELs Direct Exchange Lines
Dep. departure.
destr destroyed.
Dev. deviation.
DFID The Department for International Development
DG degaussing.
DGCI Drug Controller General of India
DGPS differential global positioning system.
DHQ mean diurnal high water inequality.
Dia diaphone.
DIAL Delhi International Airport Pvt. Ltd.
diff. difference.
Dist. distance.
DIY Do it Yourself
DjIA Dow Jones International Average
DL dead load
Dlo difference of longitude (arc units).
DLQ mean diurnal low water inequality.
dm decimeters.
DMAHTC Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/ Topographic Center.
DMI Drip Method of Irrigation
DMK Dravida Munetra Kazhagam
DMO Destination Marketing Organisation
DMZ Demilitarized Zone
DNA Deoxyribo-nucleic Acid
DNC digital navigation chart.
DOD Department of Ocean Development
dol dolphin.
DoT Department of Tourism
DPC Dabhol Power Corporation
DPDC District Planning and Development Council
DPE Department of Public Enterprises
DPEP District Primary Education Programme
DPS Deferred Profit Sharing
DPT Diphtreria Pertussis and Tetanus
DR dead reckoning; dead reckoning position.
DRDA District Rural Development Agency
DRDO Defence Research and Development Organisation
DRE dead reckoning equipment.
DRM direction of relative movement.
DRT dead reckoning tracer.
Ds dip short of horizon.
DSB Digital Satellite Broadcasting
DSC digital selective calling.
DSC & WM Directorate of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management
DSD double second difference.
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
DSP Digital Signal Processing
DST Department of Science & Technology
DST-DAAD DST Exchange Programme with Germany
DSVL doppler sonar velocity log.
DTAP dissemination and technical assistance program
DTH Direct-to-Home
DTS Digital Theatre System
dur. duration.
DV Deo Volente
DVC Damodar Valley Corporation
DVD Digital Versatile; Video Disc
DVI Digital Video Interactive
DVS Desktop Video-conferencing Software
DW Deep Water Route.
DWCRA Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas
DWI Driving While Intoxicated
DZ danger zone.