Glossary and Acronym Definitions
C Celsius (centigrade); chronometer time; compass (direction); correction; course, course angle; can; cylindrical; cove.
C2C Consumer to Consumer
CABE Central Advisory Board of Education
CAD Command Area Development
CADA Command Area Development Authority
CAG Comptroller and Auditor General of India
CAGR Compounded annual growth rate
CALM catenary anchor leg mooring.
CAN Calcium Ammonium Nitrate
Cantab Cantabrigian (Cambridge University)
CAS Conditional Access System
CAT Career Aptitude Test; Common Admission Test; Computerized Axial Tomo-graphy; Computer Adaptive Test
CATI computer-assisted telephone interviews
CB compass bearing.
CBDR constant bearing, decreasing range.
CBDT Central Board of Direct Taxes
CBFC Central Board of Film Certification
CBR chemical, biological, and radiological
CBSE Central board of Secondary Education
CC compass course; chronometer correction.
CCA City Compensatory Allowance
CCEA Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee.
CCU Consultative Committee for Units of the International Committee of Weights and Measures (CIPM).
CCZ Coastal Confluence Zone.
CD chart datum.
cd candela, candelas.
CDA Central Dearness Allowance
CDAC Centre for the Development of Advanced Computing
CD-ROM compact disk-read only memory.
CE chronometer error- compass error.
cec centicycle.
cel centilane.
CENVAT Central Value Added Tax
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CEP circular probable error.
CERE Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
CERF Civil Engineering Research Foundation
CES coast earth station.
CETPs Common Effluent Treatment Plants
cf compare; refer
CFC Chloro fluoro Carbon; Common Fund for Commodities
CFL Compact Fluorescent Lamps
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CFR Code of Federal Regulations.
CG Coast Guard.
CGFNS Commission on graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools
CGIE General Council of Italians Abroad
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
CGPM General Conference of Weights and Measures.
CGR Compounded Growth Rate
CGS Chief of General Staff; Centimetre, Gram, Second
CH compass heading.
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CIC Central Information Commission
CID Criminal Investigation Department
CIDCO City and Industrial Development Corporation Limited
cif cost, insurance and freight
CII Confederation of Indian Industry
C-in-C Commander-in-chief
CIPM International Committee of Weights and Measures.
CIS Commonwealth of Independent Status
CISCE Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination
CITU Centre of indian Trade Unions
CKD Completely Knocked Down
Cl clearance.
CLR Computerisation of Land Records
cm centimeter(s).
CMB confidence Building Measures
CMD Chairman-cum-Managing Director
CMG course made good.
CMI Central Mining Institute
CMIE Centre for Monitoring the Indian Economy
CMP Common Minimum Program
CMPS Cotton Monopoly Procurement Schemes
Cn course (as distinguished from course angle).
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CNN Cable News Network
CO Commanding Officer
co the complement of (90° minus).
co coral.
COA course of advance.
COD Cash on delivery
COE Committee on ECDIS (IHO).
COFEPOSA Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smugling Act
COG course over ground.
coL colatitude.
colog cologarithm.
COMITE The Committee of Italians Abroad
COO Chief Operating Officer
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
COPRA Consumer Protection Act
corr. correction.
cos cosine.
COSTFORD Centre of Science and Technology for Rural Development
cot cotangent.
cov coversine.
COWDEP Comprehensive Watershed Development Programme
Cp stg c course per steering compass.
CPA closest point of approach.
CPC Central Pay Commission
CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
CPE circular probable error.
Cpgc course per gyrocompass.
CPI Consumer Price Index
CPIAL Consumer Price Index For Agriculture Labourer
CPIM Communist Party of India Marxit
CPR Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
CPS Cash Based Profit Sharing
cps cycles per second.
Cpsc course per standard compass.
CPSE Central Public Sector Enterprises
CPU central processing unit.
CPWD Central Public Works Department
CRD Centre for Research and Development
CRISIL Credit Rating Information services of India Ltd.
CRR Cash Reserve Ratio
crs course.
CRT cathode-ray tube.
CRY Child Relief and You
csc cosecant.
CSF Cooperative Sugar Factories
CSIR Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
CSO Central Statistical Organisation
CST Central Sales Tax
CTBT Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
CTC Cost to the Company
CTE coefficients of thermal expansion
cup cupola.
Cus Ho customs house.
CVC Chief Vigilance Commission
CW continuous wave.
CWC Chemical Weapons Convention, congress Working committee
CZM Coastal Zone Management
CZn compass azimuth.