Health and Diseases – Question Paper 06

Health and Diseases Questions, Paper – 06

Sr. No.



1. Ringworm in humans is caused by (CBSE)
(a) Fungi
(b) Nematodes
(c) Viruses
(d) Bacteria
Answer: (a)
2. AIDS was first reported in
(a) England
(b) U.S.A.
(c) France
(d) India
Answer: (b)
3. Western blot test is used for detection of (MHT-CET)
(a) Cancer
(b) Leprosy
(d) Tuberculosis
Answer: (c)
4. A person was found to HIV positive by ELISA. The test that affirms it is(MANIPAL)
(a) Southern blot
(b) Northern blot
(c) Western blot
(d) All the above
Answer: (c)
5. AIDS virus HIV first starts destroying (CBSE)
(a) Leucocytes
(b) Thromoboycytes
(c) B-lymphocytes
(d) T-lymphocytes
Answer: (a)
6. Which is spread by house fly
(a) Dengue fever
(b) Encephalitis
(c) Filariasis
(d) Typhoid
Answer: (d)
7. ______ diseases are also called inborn diseases
(a) Infected
(b) Contagious
(c) Acquired
(d) Congenital
Answer: (d)
8. Vector host of malaria is
(a) Female Anopheles mosquito
(b) Male Anopheles mosquito
(c) Aedes mosquito
(d) Culex mosquito
Answer: (a)
9. Chicken pox is caused by (CBSE)
(a) Varicella-Zoster Herpes virus
(b) Adeno virus
(c) Bacteriophage T2
(d) SV 40 virus
Answer: (a)
10. Kwashiorkor and beri-beri are (AFMC)
(a) Communicable diseases
(b) Infectious diseases
(c) Deficiency diseases
(d) none of the above
Answer: (c)
11. Elephantiasis is caused by (HARIYANA PMT)
(a) Dracunculus medinensis
(b) Entrobius vermicularis
(c) Wuchereria bancrofti
(d) None of the above
Answer: (c)
12. Confirmatory test commonly employed for diagnosis of AIDS is
(a) Pap test
(b) Widal test
(c) Western blot test
(d) Benedict’s test
Answer: (c)
13. HIV has a protein coat and a genetic material which is (CBSE)
(a) ss DNA
(b) ds DNA
(c) ss RNA
(d) ds RNA
Answer: (c)
14. HIV reduces natural immunity of body by destroying (K-CET)
(a) B-lymphocytes
(b) T-lymphocytes
(c) Antibodies
(d) Erythrocytes
Answer: (b)
15. Widal test is used for diagnosis of (CHD-CET)
(a) Malaria
(b) Cholera
(c) Typhoid
(d) Yellow fever
Answer: (c)
16. Bronchogenic carcinoma is cancer of
(a) Breast
(b) Intestine
(c) Lungs
(d) Liver
Answer: (c)
17. The study of classification of diseases is called _____
(a) Nosology
(b) Etiology
(c) Epidemiology
(d) Serology
Answer: (a)
18. Congenital diseases
(a) are present at birth
(b) are deficiency diseases
(c) spread from one individual to another
(d) occur during life
Answer: (a)
19. Which one of the following is transplacental disease
(a) Kala-azar
(b) German measles
(c) Rabies
(d) Scabies
Answer: (b)
20. Xerophthalmia in children and night blindness in adults is caused by the deficiency of
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin B
(c) Vitamin C
(d) Vitamin K
Answer: (a)