Glossary and Acronym Definitions
E east.
E & OE Errors and Omissions Excepted
E & Y Earnest & young
e base of Naperian logarithms; origin of own ship’s true vector., eccentricity.
E. Int. equal interval; isophase.
e.g. exempli gratia (for example)
EAM Emergency action message
EAS Employment Assurance Scheme
EBL electronic bearing line.
EC Economic Census
ECA Essential Commodities Act
ECD envelope to cycle difference; envelope to cycle discrepancy.
ECDB electronic chart data base.
ECDIS electronic chart display and information system.
ECG Electro Cardiogram
ECGC Export credit guarantee corporation of India
ECOSOC Economic and Social Council (UN)
ECR Electron Cyclotron Resonance
ED existence doubtful.
EDD estimated date of departure.
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EDMS Electronic Document Management System
EDT Eastern Daylight Time
EEG Electro Encephalogram
EEZ exclusive economic zone.
EFC Eleventh Finance Commission
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EGC enhanced group calling.
EGP Exterior Gateway protocol
EGS Employment Guarantee Scheme
EHF extremely high frequency.
EIS Executive Information System
EIUS Environment Improvement of Urban Slums
EL Electro-luminescent
ELISA Enzyme Linked Immuno Srobent Assay
EM electromagnetic (underwater log).
em other ship’s true vector.
EMI Employment Market Information
EMS Emergency Medical Service
EMT Emergency Medical Team
ENC electronic navigation chart.
ENCDB electronic navigation chart data base.
ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
EOF End of file
EOS Electronic Online System international
EOU Export Oriented Unit
EOU’s Export Oriented Units
EP estimated position.
EPABX Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange
EPG Eminent Persons Group
EPI Expanded Programme of immunisation
EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radiobeacon.
EPNS Electroplated Nickel Silver
EPROM erasable programmable read only memory.
EPS Encapsulated Postscript; Employees Pension Scheme
EPZ Export Processing zone
EQ Emotional Quotient
Eq.T equation of time.
er own ship’s true vector.
ER & DC Electronic Research and Development Center
ERI Effective Rates of Interest
ERM European Exchange Rate Mechanism
ERNIE Electronic Random Number Indicator Equipment
ERP Enterprises Resource Planning
ERT Educational Devt. Index
ESA European Space Agency
ESCAP Economic and Social Commission (Asia and the Pacific)
ESMA Essential Services Maintenance Act
ESOP Employees Stock Option Plan
ESP Extra Sensory Perception
ESPP Employee Stock Purchase Plan
ET Ephemeris Time.
et al. et alii (and others)
et.seq et sequentia (& what follows)
ETA estimated time of arrival.
etc. etcetra (and so forth, and so on)
ETD estimated time of departure.
ETT Embryo Transfer Technology
EURATOM European Atomic community
EUTELSAT European Telecommunications Satellite
EVA Economic Value Added
EVE Economic valuation of the environment
EVR Electrovideo Recording
Exting extinguished.