Glossary and Acronym Definitions
M celestial body; meridian (upper branch); magnetic (direction); meridional parts; nautical mile, miles; other ship.
m meridian (lower branch); meridional difference; meter,(s); U.S. survey mile, miles; end of other ship’s true vector; minutes.
M&A Mergers & Acquisitions
m3/ha/year cubic meter per hectare per year
mag. magnetic; magnitude.
MARAD United States Maritime Administration.
MB magnetic bearing.
mb millibar(s).
MC magnetic course.
mc megacycle, megacycles; megacycles per second.
MC&G mapping, charting and geodesy.
MCPA minutes to closest point of approach.
MDR Major District Road
MEA Ministry of External Affairs
Mer. Pass. meridian passage.
MF medium frequency.
MFA material flow accounting
MGRS military grid reference system.
MH magnetic heading.
MHA Ministry of Home Affairs; Million Hectares
MHHW mean higher high water.
MHHWL mean higher high water line.
MHW mean high water.
MHWI mean high water lunitidal interval.
MHWL mean high water line.
MHWN neap high water or high water neaps.
MHWS mean high water springs.
MHz megahertz.
mi. mile, miles.
MICE Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions
mid middle.
MIG Minor Irrigation (Groundwater)
min. minute(s).
MINARS Monitoring of Indian National Aquatic Resources
MIWOFA Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipino Act
MLD Million Litres a Day
MLLW mean lower low water.
MLLWL mean lower low water line.
MLS minimum landing size (fishing)
MLW mean low water.
MLWI mean low water lunitidal interval.
MLWL mean low water line.
MLWN neap low water or low water neaps.
MLWS mean low water springs.
mm millimeters.
MMI Major and Medium Irrigation
MMRDA Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
MMRDC Mumbai Metro Region Development Corporation
MMTC Minerals & Metal Trading Corporation
Mn mean range of tide.
MNC Multi National Company
MNCs Multi National Corporations
MNP Minimum Needs Programme
mo(s) month(s).
Mo.(U) Morse Uniform (light).
MoA Ministry of Agriculture
MODU mobile offshore drilling unit.
MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forests (India)
mol/l micromoles per litre
Mon monument.
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MOWR Ministry of Water Resources (India)
MPBCDCL Mahatma Phule Backward Class Development Corporation Limited
MPCE Monthly Per Capita Expenditure Class
mph miles per hour.
MPI Message Passing Interface
MPP most probable position.
MRI mean rise interval.
MRM miles of relative movement.
MRPL Mangalore Refineries & Petrochemicals Limited
MRSI Material Research Society of India
MRTP Monopolies & Restrictive Trade Practices
ms millisecond(s).
MSC Military Sealift Command.
MSC-E Meteorological Synthesising Centre – East
MSC-W Meteorological Synthesising Centre – West
MSI maritime safety information.
MSL mean sea level.
MSTC Metals & Scrap Trading Corporation
mSv millisievert
Mt Million Tonnes
MTFF Medium Term Fiscal Framework
MTI moving target indication.
MTL mean tide level.
MTNL Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd
MU Million Units
MVA Mega Volt Ampere
MW Mega Watt
MWL mean water level.
MWLL mean water level line.
MWOFRC Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Resource Centre
MZn magnetic azimuth.